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明朝的制瓷工藝水準有限,所以在罐口及罐腹的位置接縫一般都會比較明顯,可是到了清代以后呢?由於玄虛細致這個接縫就很難發現了。所以在明代的瓷器,一般胎璧都比較厚實,而且厚薄非常均勻。 而仿品多數器內積釉普遍是比較明顯,璧外釉色泛青,如有顯著的非常光滑細潤,而且上色呢也是非常完美,這明顯是后世的工藝水準。


振元堂官網內目前常態展示超過10000件現貨,貨品涵蓋遼代、北宋、西夏、金代及南宋各時期,包括五大名窯在內,數十個窯口系列的陶瓷器。1萬多件中國歷代瓷器名窯(出租)1件1天只要5元起~ 中國青花老瓷器租賃、販售歡迎詢價尺寸與參考,五彩瓷、青花瓷、單色釉瓷器、粉彩瓷器...等宋、元、清、明老花器「人物、山水、花卉、翎毛無不精細入神。所用顏料與法瑯色同。 元龍科技經營模式採古瓷「租賃」為主,「買賣、收購、維修」為輔。 收藏家可經由官網閱覽查核選購您喜愛的貨品,每件貨品都有詳細相關資訊介紹,選取好您確定的貨品物件辦理好手續後,第二天原定點即可取貨。



PHOTO by www.zhenyuantang.tw

元龍科技堂 謹識

Zhenyuantang's words:

The Song Dynasty advocated the "humanistic spirit", respected Confucianism and scholarship, and politics emphasized culture and restrained martial arts. The Song people preferred philosophical thinking and rationality, learned naturally, and worshipped the ancients and learned from the past. The ceramic art has received unprecedented attention and development. In the history of ceramic art in the world, Song Porcelain is unparalleled in its exquisite craftsmanship, elegant modeling, or exquisite glaze pursuit. It has never been seen before.
Song porcelain is also treasured by the emperors, literati, and collectors with excellent taste, whether it is the simple and solemn of the royal porcelain of the Song dynasty, focusing on the beauty of the lines and enamel. Each style has different characteristics and tastes. Dozens of major kiln systems from the north and south are blooming together, plus the unique nationalities of Liao, Jin, Xixia and other ethnic groups, and their unique shapes interact and merge, making Song porcelain even more exciting and icing on the cake. Among them, Ru Kiln, Guan Kiln, Ge Kiln, Ding Kiln and Jun Kiln are the most famous works in the Song Dynasty.
The ceramics of the Song Dynasty are elegant and refined, but they are not flashy, they are both subtle and subtle, and they are not exposed to the edge. Therefore, they can sing to the fullest, but the magic is beyond the law, and its charm is far away. In the peaceful appearance, Song porcelain embodies this kind of beauty, that is, to be good and self-concealed, walking in simple leisure, and has a profound and endless taste. Although it has been around for thousands of years, it is still new and bright, and it is an outstanding achievement on the previous page of world art history.

Distinguish between true and false:

In the Ming dynasty craft porcelain, when the craftsman scribbed the pot, the painter was relatively rough, and the color was relatively light. What about the painting style? Generally, it is mainly realistic, but in the Qianlong period, the craftsmanship of this craftsman changed, and his sense of aesthetics also changed. Therefore, when you look closely at the Ming Dynasty porcelain, pay special attention to the style of painting on the porcelain, and It pays attention to the bottom of the flint red circle and the glaze of Su Maliqing. If it is freehand and the colors are very full, the character's description should not be smoother and more beautiful than the Ming Dynasty work.
The Ming dynasty's porcelain craftsmanship was limited, so the seams at the mouth and belly of the tank were generally more obvious, but after the Qing Dynasty? This seam is difficult to find due to mysterious details. Therefore, in the Ming dynasty porcelain, the placenta is generally thick, and the thickness is very uniform.
And most of the imitation products are generally relatively obvious glaze accumulation, the outer glaze color is blue, if it is significantly very smooth and fine, and the color is also very perfect, which is obviously the level of later generations.

Introduction of Yuanlong Science and Technology Ancient Porcelain:

Zhenyuantang's official website currently displays more than 10,000 items in stock, covering the Liao Dynasty, Northern Song Dynasty, Xixia Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Southern Song Dynasty, including the five famous kilns, and dozens of kiln mouth series ceramics. More than 10,000 pieces of famous Chinese porcelain kilns (rental) starting from 5 yuan a day for one piece~ Chinese blue and white old porcelain rental, sales welcome inquiry size and reference, multicolored porcelain, blue and white porcelain, monochrome glazed porcelain, pastel porcelain. ..Song, Yuan, Qing, and Ming old vases "figures, landscapes, flowers, and feathers are all exquisite and fascinating. The pigments used are the same as the color of enamel. Yuanlong Technology's business model is mainly based on ancient porcelain "rental", "trading, Acquisition, maintenance" is supplemented. Collectors can browse through the official website to check and buy your favorite items. Each item has detailed information about it. After selecting the items you have confirmed and going through the formalities, you can pick up the items at the original designated location the next day. 經社群驗證圖示

Brief introduction of each kiln classified collection:

Ru Kiln, Longquan Kiln, Jianyang Kiln, Guan Kiln, Yaozhou Kiln, Three-color Glaze Ceramics, Ge Kiln, Cizhou Kiln, Liao Dynasty Ceramics, Ding Kiln, Cizhou Kiln Deep Picking, Xixia Ceramics, Jun Kiln, Jizhou Kiln , Ji Nian ceramics, Jingdezhen kiln, Yuezhou kiln

Photo by Zhenyuantang's official website
PHOTO by www.zhenyuantang.tw

