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1. 請至振元堂官網 http://www.yuanlong-sk.com 瀏覽產品圖片選購瓷器物件,每件物件都有多張圖片詳細名稱介紹、編號、年代、尺寸,選購好編號及數量再回復告知取貨日期即可。
2. 取貨當日簽約檢查物件付清租金、押金及證件即可。
3. 取貨當日不計價。


1. 短期:1件1天100元,租金預收現金全額,押金預收全額現金或即期支票,短期租賃即大量租賃客戶須押證件。
2. 年期:1件1天10元起,租金預收現金全額,押金預收全額現金或即期支票。
3. 以上價格預收全額、未稅。


1. 租賃期間瓷器租賃第一天取貨時雙方須檢查清楚及拍照存底,檢查瓷器物件本身外觀、口、身、片、耳、底部是否完整在租賃。
2. 瓷器租賃期間不得擅自任意更改外觀結構及顏色,如有破裂或損壞須按照原價賠償。
3. 租賃期間瓷盒是連同瓷器一同租賃未算有租金價格,但租賃到期歸還物件如有遺失或破損、髒漬難以修復時需照價賠償。
4. 租賃貨品須負責自運,如須代運須付運費,運費另計。
5. 租賃合約未到期前提早解約,須將物件歸還後退還押金但不退租金。
6. 租賃到期物件歸還檢查完整無誤後退還押金全額及證件。

More than 10,000 pieces of famous porcelain kilns in the past dynasties of China (for rent) start from 10 yuan per piece per day

Lease method

1. Please go to the official website of Zhenyuantang http://www.yuanlong-sk.com to browse the product pictures to buy porcelain objects.  Quantity and then reply to inform the pick-up date.
2. On the day of picking up the goods, sign a contract to inspect the objects and pay off the rent, deposit and certificates.
3. No price will be charged on the day of pick-up.

rental price

1. Short-term: 100 yuan per day for one piece, the rent is received in full in cash in advance, and the deposit is received in full in cash or  demand check. Short-term lease means that a large number of leasing customers must deposit documents.
2. Term: starting from 10 yuan per day for one piece, full cash advance for rent, full cash advance deposit for deposit or demand check.
3. The above prices are prepaid in full, without tax.

rental rules

1. During the lease period, when picking up the porcelain on the first day of the lease, both parties must check clearly and take photos to save the bottom, and check whether the appearance, mouth, body, pieces, ears, and bottom of the porcelain object are complete in the lease.
2. During the lease period, the appearance, structure and color of porcelain are not allowed to be changed arbitrarily. If there is any crack or damage, compensation shall be made according to the original price.
3. During the lease period, the porcelain box is leased together with the porcelain, and the rental price is not included. However, if the returned items are lost or damaged at the end of the lease, or the stains are difficult to repair, compensation will be required at the price.
4. The leased goods must be transported by themselves. If they need to be transported on behalf of them, the freight must be paid, and the freight will be calculated separately.
5. If the lease contract is terminated before it expires, the deposit must be returned after the property is returned, but the rent will not be refunded.
6. The full amount of the deposit and certificates will be refunded after the rental expired items are returned and inspected to be complete and correct.

